IMT Des Moines Marathon

IMT Des Moines Marathon
Join Us At The Finish Line!

Monday, August 17, 2015

And Training Continues

Training is still going strong. We are about 8 weeks out from the big day (or days if you are doing the I-35 Challenge like me) and it is important to buckle down and keep moving forward with longer practice runs blended with shorter, faster paced runs. Both types are important when training for a half or full marathon.

I have stayed steadily on my training plan, and any runs I planned, I have completed. I have had to adjust a few days, trading a training day for a rest day here or there, but I am happy to say that I have been able to get every planned run in so far. In fact, I am nearing 70 miles this month and August is only half over.

I was able to run in Iowa again a few weeks ago, at McIntosh Woods in Ventura, IA. 

Sisters Prairie Trail in Ventura, IA never disappoints. I found a new running buddy
that same day. 

I'm averaging about 30 miles a week these past few months.

How is your training going? Tips for overcoming the boredom of long runs? Ideas for getting up early and staying motivated to get in workouts? I'd love to hear how things are going for you. Comment below!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Why Runners are Nice People

1. We pour drips of water on earthworms unknowingly trying to cross a burning sidewalk on a hot day.
2. We close open mailboxes as we run by them.
3. We greet each other as we pass, say hello to people mowing their lawns, and wave at bikers.
4. We move sticks and small branches out of the way for those coming up behind us.
5. We love making friends with and connecting with other runners.
6. Rather than argue, we just shrug and nod when non-runners say we are crazy for running half and full marathons.
7. We try our hardest to run when it doesn't disrupt the pattern of everyone else in our family, ie, early in the morning or late at night.
8. We yield to cars even when we have the right of way (okay this one might be more of a lifesaving technique than a form of kindness).
9. No matter how tired we are, we find the energy to smile at babies and puppies as we meet or pass them.
10. We encourage each other whether we are faster or slower than one another, because we truly just love the sport.